COMBAR Consultancy Program


COMBAR Consultancy Program providing a tool for any organization with a unique opportunity in creating, shaping and identifying the leader competency gap strength through the right competencies of learning behaviour.

COMBAR is a process of leadership recruitment based on the ability of candidates/leaders to produce “anecdote” about their professional experience which can be used as evidence that the candidate has given a list of competency profiles.

COMBAR process intended to be fairer than other leadership recruitment process by clearly laying down the required competencies and then testing them in such a way that the recruiter has little discretion to favour one candidate over another. It is also highly focussed on the candidates “story-telling” abilities as an indication of competency, and disfavours other indications of a candidates skills and potential such as references.

COMBAR candidates/applicants will be screen through the establish core competency profiles, in communicating the organization’s requirements to the potential applicants and finally will be illustrated their performance at each of their competencies demographics ‘score card’.

COMBAR CONSULTANCY ASSESSMENT support applicants and selection by:

  • Providing bona fide, validated, fair and unbiased standards against which to assess applicant competencies to perform in the targeted role/application
  • Improving the transparency of the selection process by clearly communicating the behaviours of student must display for success
  • Contributing to the design of a well-articulated, efficient and effective selection processes.
  • Providing explicit, clear and transparent criteria on which to give candidates feedback on their behaviour performance in the selection process (e.g., input for future learning and development; etc.)
  • Providing standards for evaluating the success of the selection process – e.g., correlating the results of the selection process with competency-based on-the-applicant performance



As competency profiles are developed for varied leader groups, COMBAR blueprint stages are suggested in recruiting and selecting at a corporate-wide basis;


COMBAR competency mapping dashboard is set in defined behaviours which provide a structure guide enabling the identification, evaluation and development of the leaders/applicants ‘learning gap’ behaviours.
It is set too in gauging and examines through the three competency area which is Attitude, Skills and Knowledge (ASK);

  • Attitude influence how well leaders/applicant applied their knowledge, technical and management skills. It also reflects the culture and values in expecting the student to demonstrate in their roles.
  • Skills are needed to perform in functional role and include technical skills, management skills
  • Knowledge includes professional knowledge, institutional knowledge. This is necessary to do the job and tends to be job related.

Blending to with the four leadership competency key areas making COMBAR more accurately, fairly and objectively define at the end of the score card mapping exercise;

Proposing the working schedule in making sure the work process flow in meeting the objective as per below;

As part of the communicating process at the Micro and Macro Level, below are some of the demographics screen shot of COMBAR system;

System Login Screen

Candidates Search and Listing

Candidate Assessment Detail Report

Comparison: Candidate VS Population

Candidate Chart

Chart: Candidate VS Population

ASK Competency

Performance Indicator

Score Card Summary


List: Development Milestone